The weather is so beautiful today.
Summer is here - or at least, Spring is :P And this song shall be its
anthem :) I love these dudes - I love that you can hear their Aussie
accents and that they seem so down to earth and that their black
labrador features in so many of their youtube videos...
Speaking of Summer, I'm going to post part of a post from my old MySpace again. Every time spring rolls around I get a little overexcited because it means the dry season is nearby. It is without a doubt my favourite time of the year, which is pretty evident in how much I romanticise it. Although, now that I think of it I wrote this in September 2008, and what I wrote still embodies how I spend my summer days :D
Dreaming of an Endless Summer
Summer Paradise |
...I'm going to the beach. Every day that I can I'll go to the beach and
swim and snorkel and surf to my hearts content. I'll roll around in the
waves after toppling off my board, and laugh at myself when I manage to
pop my head out of the water. I'll paddle out the back, enjoying the
rise and fall of the bigger waves that I'll be a little bit too scared to
surf. Then I'll paddle up to the front and laugh at myself sliding off
my 6'7" hunk of fibreglass, before unexpectedly staying up for the first
time in a while. It'll be enough to put me in a euphoric state for the
rest of the day, and maybe even a day or two after that.
I'll go
to the river with my family, some snorkels, hot chips, a few fishing
rods and a kayak. Me and Scott will swim just a metre away from a
dolphin and not even realise it, swans will try to steal our chips and
we'll just laugh. We'll run along the top of blackwall reach and climb
down the cliffs to discover tiny caves, and I'll jump off the top of the
ominous walls of rock into cool, murky water. I'll go for a long kayak, a
snorkel in my lap so that I can push my head into the water and enjoy
the sweet, cool liquid and the darting schools of whitebait desperately
swimming away from me. Then Scott will jump on the front and we'll paddle through the yachts.
Singing at the top of our lungs.
and Dad will get angry because we stayed on the water 'til after dark, but who
cares. We had a good time and they'll get over it. Then we'll fish and
catch blowies until we're too tired to put the bait on our hooks, before
going home and arguing over who gets the shower first.
Christmas will be the same as usual. The ever so lovely family lunch of a
roast lamb, a roast chicken, too many roasted vegies, a Christmas
pudding that I pretend to like, and a pavlova covered with fresh fruit.
We'll sit around the tree after church and appreciate everything we get
because we know that it was as much as Mum and Dad could possibly
afford. We'll muck around outside and maybe even go for a swim at the
beach as the sun slowly melts into the calm, blue expanse that is the
Eep! I'm getting so excited :D
Blue skies make me so happy :D |