Me and Ben pre-costume |
Blue hair and eyeliner, anyone? :P post-costume. |
Thursday, April 6: Post-Prosh Report
Wake up at 7, can't figure out if it's 7am or 7pm. Spend 10 minutes pondering how I came to be in my bed. I remember sitting on the couch and watching 30 seconds of a movie, but my computer tells me I watched 55 minutes. That's odd. Remember having crazy dreams about tandem surfing with a complete stranger. We got sharks to go on a surfboard attached to our board, and they surfed with us. We convinced four sharks all up, and they all really enjoyed themselves. We also discovered a dinosaur that had been preserved almost perfectly (except for it's face) and it was really quite scary. Have a really long shower, eat some food. Discover text books under my bed. Wonder how I got here again. Realise it was 7am when I woke up, not pm. I just missed my bus for uni and thus my Italian test. Shit.
This was the sort of beginning to my insane week - prosh, where the students of UWA pull an all-nighter, dress up in ridiculous costumes, then run around in an exhausted, drunken stupor and harass the people of Perth until they buy our satirical newspapers for charity. It's been a highlight of my year since grade 10 when I started at a school where prosh is always sold, but wow it hit me hard this year. My theory is that it was the crazy lack of sleep combined with a scary amount of caffeine :P
Late night trains, attractive faces and entertaining photobombs :P |
Tav times. |
Apart from prosh I've been procrastinating from the many assignments I need to finish/start before I leave, being the most social I think I've been this year, and madly planning and packing for India! It's strange to think that in 48 hours I'll be somewhere over South East Asia, well and truly on my way. It's so exciting!!
I've installed the Blogger app on my phone, and I've discovered the joys of international roaming, so I'll be trying my best to post at least 1 photo and a short update onto the blog every day that I'm away. Woohoo!! :D
Until then though, Happy Easter! I hope everyone is enjoying a long weekend spent with family and friends :)
Much love! Rhi xx
Holly and Scotty. |
James. |
Easter surprise :) |
My beautiful Madre :) |
Easter surprise - take two. |
Padre dearest. |
Mannn! I don't know how C & I missed you at Prosh!! We kept seeing the same faces over and over again, but unfortunately none of them belonged to youuu!!
I know!! It makes me so sad :( We shall have to catch up when I get back to make up for it! :)
Hahaha and it was after attempting to find you in the line, then raving...then back to find you...then raving again until the sun came up and we realised you would most likely have been gone by then :P
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