October 12, 2012

Op Shop Shoot: TanyaVolt Photography Part 2

Over the next 26 hours, I have to go to work and sell lollies to the world, and then I shall run off to uni where I'll be taking part in Relay for Life - the fundraising event behind our coffee crawl - where people take part in a tag team running around an oval for 24 hours. I'm beyond excited, even though I'm fairly certain it will see Dislocato-Girl make an appearance, and can't wait to share with you all how it goes (or I'll try to keep my twitter updated so follow away if you're interested!) :) 

In the meantime though, you might remember I did an Op Shop Shoot with my very talented photographer friend, Tanya, a little while ago and I'm finally sharing some more of those photos!! Only the skirt in this outfit is actually op shopped - I did have more to wear with it but the promise of splashing around in this lovely ocean water was too tempting to bother with any more clothes :P

Have a grand weekend everyone! :)

Skirt: $4 from the Salvos Perth
Photography: TanyaVolt Photography

PS. At some stage today, I also plan on attempting take a decent photo for this very cool project :D


Jess F said...

OMG - amazing photos by Tanya!
And Rhi, looking hot as always ;) Love your top!

Mother duck said...

I love your top too :)

Cathy Trails said...

You are so beautiful Rhi! :)

sonia // daring coco said...

These photos are gorgeous! Love the crochet tank and can not believe that skirt is $4! Can you say amazeballs! LOL! Love it!

Thanks for the heads up on the Shaanti Project page! Will definitional take a peek at it asap!