November 04, 2012

Op Shop Shoot: TanyaVolt Photography Part 3

Oh hai there! I haven't been around here in about a week which is a pretty solid effort, I must say. I have one essay to go and then that's uni finished for the year. I cannot wait for Thursday to roll around.

In the meantime though, I just remembered I haven't shared the final - and probably my favourite - part of the Op Shop Shoots I did with my lovely photographer friend, Tanya, probably a few months ago now (see part 1 here and part 2 here).

She shot these on an old analogue minolta while I tried not to lose my balance on the grease covered tracks and hoped a train wouldn't suddenly appear out of nowhere :P It was a lot of fun.

Dress: $8 from the Salvos Perth
Belt: $2 from my local Salvos
Photography: TanyaVolt Photography

A massive thank you to the rad kid behind these photographs. It was a fun way to spend a morning and there's no way I would've been able to show you these clothes in such an artistic fashion without her photography skills! Make sure you show her some love by liking her facebook :)

See you guys tomorrow for Bits & Pieces and later on this week to share lots of exciting things that I need to not think about so that I can get this essay done! :P

Hope your little corner of the universe is treating you excellently :)

Over and out.
Rhi :) xx


Unknown said...

Great photos! I love the 3rd one especially. There's a mystery of time and place in that one, a narrative waiting to unfold. :)

Tori said...

I love that dress! :)

Cathy Trails said...

Rhi! I'm so excited for you! Good job on staying on top of things for Uni. Those pictures are fantastic and look so cool as black and white. Hope all is well my friend!

Cathy Trails

Cindy said...

Looking sexy as always! I seriously can't believe you managed to stick to the thrifting thing for so long. Show me your ways before you leave me for exchange?