July 11, 2012

A Lot Like Love

Setting a goal to watch a new movie a week is kind of awesome. I would highly recommend it. I get to the end of a day working two jobs, when I've forced myself out of bed before even the sun has poked a few rays out to say hello, trekked it to one job, worked for a little while, trekked it to the other job, worked for a little while, come home and felt knackered*. And then I remember that I made it a goal to watch a new movie or two a week and so I plonk down on the couch or hide under my covers with my mac and live vicariously through some happy, some crazy, some downright wondrous, fictitious characters for the night. It's truly glorious.

source via google image search

Recommended by the lovely Hannah from Raspberry Kitsch a little while ago :)
source via google image search
*I swear that's not how it's spelt, but google says otherwise :P


Unknown said...

aww thanks for the mention! i'm so pleased that you're watching it.. you'll love catherine she's brilliant! such a pain in the arse but fantastic!!

p.s that's how i'd spell knackered!



Cathy Trails said...

Ohh let me know what you think of Jules e Jim!! :)

Cathy Trails