July 08, 2012


Today I was meant to have my inaugural guest post! It was all very exciting until for some reason the html codes decided not to work :( I don't understand html codes at all so I'm waiting to hear back from the lovely blogger responsible for the post, which might be a little while given the time difference. So, instead, I've decided to share the first purchase of my op-shop challenge with you all!

Say hello to my brand new specs!

I've been needing new glasses for the past 6 months at least, but have neglected it because my eyes decided to develop a stigmatism as long as short-sightedness, and it made the whole glasses things rather expensive.

I'd been thinking for a little while that I really just needed to bite the bullet, but then I walked into one of pigeonhole's vintage/second hand shops with the lovely Lauren not too long ago and found these little beauties for $10. I couldn't resist! I got lenses put in straight away and all up, they came to $80. Much better than the $500 I was initially quoted, and that made me so scared of optometrists :P

I'll hopefully do a little more hardcore op-shopping when I'm not working more-than full-time hours after next Saturday. That will be an exciting day!

In the meantime, I shall leave you with some photos from the biggest event from my jam-packed weekend, my friend Richard's Casino Royale themed 21st (of which I took absolutely none) :P

Dancing Old Style :D

I absolutely adore this photo. Oh my the fabric of Chloe's dress!! :D

Here's to a great week everyone!

Over and out.
Rhi :)


Unknown said...

aww i love your new glasses! bit annoying having to pay loads more to have the lenses fitted but like you say it's better than paying loads and loads for a pair!



Cathy Trails said...

The glasses are super super cute on you. And I LOVE that off-white dress!! Happy to see you had a jam-packed fun weekend! :)

Cathy Trails

Anonymous said...

Those glasses are so awesome! And your vintage-style dress is so cute! x

The Braided Bandit said...

I Love the new glasses, especially since you chose vintage frames- they're amazing! Hope you are having a great weekend!
xo Hannah

sonia // daring coco said...

Very. Cool. Frames. Your making me want to bite the bullet too, I'm short sighted (thats where you can't see things far away right? LOL!) and been avoiding the optometrist like it's the plague! I dunno, a part of me is still hoping my eyes will miraculously correct themselves... Still in the meantime I must check out Op Shops!

Wishing you a fabulous week Rhi!

Amazing Cathleen Jia giveaway on Daring Coco!

Cindy said...

I'm SO KEEN for an op shop crawl. Freo train line yes? :D

Danie at Pasadya said...

So glad you had a good time! I'm in love with huge glasses too! That price makes it even better. :)

xix said...

The glasses look great! I am such a fan of glasses, as I choose them all the time over my contacts. XD
Have you ever heard of Warby Parker? I got my glasses from them for under 100, and they've been great. I'm glad you're liking your new pair!
Also, thanks for visiting my blog. :)
♥ xixia | thisisxixia.com

Unknown said...

I adore the glasses!! They look grand and dont make you look like a grand mother ;)