August 04, 2012

Op Shop Shoot: Part 2

The moment Nageena pulled these pants off of the rack when we were trawling through all the clothes at the Salvos, I was in love. They're so quirky, they fit beautifully, they're excellent quality (vintage Country Road!) and because it happened to have the colour tag that meant 50% off that day, they cost me a meagre $3.50.

It's safe to say, I've been wearing them everywhere and I cannot believe I haven't spent more time in op shops before!

Lauren's Dress: Hand-me-down from her Mother
Mums are great, don't you think?

Specs: $10 + lenses from Pigeonhole Vintage
Top: Country Road
Pants: $3.50 from the Salvation Army in Perth City

Boots: $8, again from the Salvos in Perth!
I'll branch out in next week's op shop shoot, promise.
Strapping courtesy of my screwed up joints and my physio, Rob :P

Necklace: borrowed from Lauren


Cathy Trails said...

Wow those pants are a complete STEAL!!! They're adorable and I can see it going well with most everything. I went to a consignment store today and thought of you! I got a cute yellow and white striped fitted tee for only 3 bucks too :) Excited!!

Unknown said...

I can see why you like wearing those pants they are adorable and I bet they look great with everything!

Stesha said...

these pictures are awesome! love your blog, i found you through Cathy :)
