August 11, 2012

The Lowdown of Late

There is this little chair at lowdown that I really like. It is placed against a wall, and people sit there while they wait for their coffee in the mornings, and there is just something about its occupants that intrigues me.

People come in with a big smile on their face, say a lively hello to the boys, order their coffee, and then sit on the chair and look tired, or relaxed. They almost always sit quietly and seem as if they are paying hardly any attention to the world as it passes by.

And I love trying to capture that little moment of peace, or tiredness, or whatever it is each person is feeling so quietly and remotely as they sit on the chair. I think I'll have to make it my mission to get more photos of people as they sit there over the coming weeks, and hopefully I won't freak anyone out :P

Mark realised I was taking this so pulled a face about two seconds after this moment :P

Mirror, mirror.

A little bit of a morning rush :)

A quiet moment.


Leila said...

I love these pictures! What an interesting glimpse from everyday life.

Cathy Trails said...

That is an awesome observation! I love how you have an eye for such beautiful life moments such as these.

Cathy Trails

Gaby said...

ha, this is an awesome project rhianna :)

nest + venture said...

what sweet moments to capture! I am usually a sleepy-happy kind of person while waiting for my coffee. :) thanks for the sweet comment!

Unknown said...

I love that last photo especially. This is a really cool series. You should keep it up! The hard part, I guess, is being sneaky so that people don't know they're being photographed. I often think a spy camera would come in handy on such occasions. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

sonia // daring coco said...

That is way cool! You captured so many gorgeous moments and it's so easy to try to speculate what these people are thinking or contemplating. It kind of reminds me of my local fish & chippery, they have a bench and people sit quietly on it too, though it's no where near as glamourous as a coffee shop bahahahaha!

Have a lovely day Rhi!