June 28, 2012

Le fotografie: My Week in Photos

I can't remember if I've shared this song before.
Either way, it's a great song so I don't think it matters :P

I know that it's Thursday, and this is an odd day to do a 'my week in photos' post, but it kind of suits because I counted last weekend as starting from Thursday evening anyway. Oh how I love uni break :)

Arrive at a friend's house to play this awesome (slightly nerdy) game called Munchkin.
Find Hamish & Elliot engaged in a nerf war. My friends are so rad :D

Couldn't resist including the action shot... :P

When the nerf war was over...
I spent most of the game figuring out ways to photograph the house, but unfortunately didn't get to it...

The next morning - Andy putting the winter sun to good use :)

Shopping with my friend Lauren.
How cool is this??

A Housewarming and an attempted moustache!
I think the latter part failed :P

Shoes, anyone?

Just a really tall ginger dude wearing blue tartan creepers.
You know, the usual :P

Still feeling introspective and reflective.
Journalling helps me to get it all out and keep me sane :)

Going out for dinner with a few old friends for the first time in a little while.
I cannot begin to tell you how utterly tasty these beef cheeks were!
It's been a good week guys :) I could get used to this winter break business!! Although, tomorrow I have a job interview and it would be nice to get some extra work, so it might not last too long. Either way, I don't think I'll be complaining.

Happy almost weekend!

Over and out.
Rhi :) xx


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your job interview! :) Those heels are insane! (but awesome.) And nerf gun fights are totally fun!

Say x

Unknown said...

holy cow - there is no way i'd be able to walk anywhere in those shoes!

and nerf gun wars are awesome - my husband put them on our wedding registry so needless to say we have lots of nerf guns :P

excited to be your newest follower!

Cathy Trails said...

Whoa those shoes are wild!!! Love the photos, looks like you guys know how to have a great time together :)

Cathy Trails

sonia // daring coco said...

Love your photos, they're always so fun and interesting - that house looks amazing! And those shoes are amazing!

FYI I think there is a link to a tutorial on different icing techniques on Bakers Royale. The link to the original recipe is on the post, I have no idea how to do it, I just kind of do it but it doesn't turn out as great, then again I don't exactly use top notch pro icing bags and stuff!

Hope your having a great day Rhi