June 02, 2012

Perspectives: Part 2

If I ignored the hangover, earlier today I was like 'woah! That second blog post isn't really necessary anymore!' Everything is in - the tests have been sat, the assignments have been completed and the exchange application has been submitted :D Not to mention the seriously fantastic day I had yesterday (more on that in a later post). Winning!

But then winter came and ruined everything. Really, I didn't used to mind winter that much, but currently, winter is my kryptonite. My old-man joints seize up, my muscles tense and everything really freaking hurts. So now, given that my neck is so tense I can hardly hold my head up, the second post has once again become necessary.

The recent...

I spent quite a few days with this guy's songs playing on repeat...

When we probably should've been studying.

I'm 19 everybody!

Making friends with the locals in Singapore :D

After going for a spontaneous swim in the middle of Winter,
whilst wearing jeans and a jumper.

Pulling attractive faces on the first trip outdoors
post-shoulder reconstruction numero due :)

Walk to Cure Diabetes.
It's a fantastic cause people, so get on it!

Polaroids in Singapore.
My favourite is the one on the far left of Bec glaring at me :D

Fennel, anyone?

The cousins dancing in some puddles.

Spontaneous crawling from pub to pub.
When we really should have been studying.

Clearly, if I love someone I show it through having
photos of us pulling ridiculous faces...

We really should have been twins.

I has a water balloon!! Well, my cousin has a water balloon :P

A photo that sums up my uni friends almost perfectly.
Also, "There's seagulls in my eyes!"
Ben's 21st. I have honestly never laughed so hard in my life.
I might explain that last one if you ask me... maybe... :P

Oh man, that popped rib isn't bothering me so much anymore. I feel better already! This really is therapeutic.

Hope you're all having fantastic weekends :) Rhi xx


Unknown said...

ooh i love this song! congrats on getting everything submitted!



Jess F said...

LOVE the pic of you and Bec with the penquins from Madagascar!!!! It makes me so happy just to look at it hahaha

Cathy Trails said...

Although you say you should have been studying, what's beautiful is you were doing what you LOVE! Looks like a grand old time. Love the positive vibes from this blog. Followed!

Cathy Trails

sonia // daring coco said...

Yay for finding the rainbow after the storm! I'm loving your personal snaps, FYI the best memories always come when you're meant to be studying! He he he!

Hope you're week is filled with sunshine, rainbows and smiles! Also, i can't even begin to imagine another place more expensive than Melbourne O_o I never thought it where possible!

amandamarzolini said...

ciao bella! capisco il tuo italiano;)
vivo a Parma, vicino Milano;)
sei australiana?
thanks for follow me i follow you bacK;))

love the videos and pics, so funny and nice;)
see you soon;))
Ci vediamo
kiss, baci