June 07, 2012

Little Red Riding Hood

I combated the cold with this jacket today. I've never felt so warm and snuggly in my life! Seriously, people say we don't need real jackets down under, but this is so amazing!! I bought it off of urban outfitters for $30 in the post-Christmas sales, and so it's been hiding in my wardrobe for the past 5 months waiting for appropriately cold weather. Clearly, it was a grand decision :D

Also, Nageena made The Wildest of Dreams a facebook page. She's written an overly nice description of myself and has told me she is apparently retaining control of said facebook page. I'm not complaining though - it makes it a little more fun :D Get on it people!

Over and out.
Rhi xx


Hena Tayeb said...

I love your umbrella

Cathy Trails said...

Liked your facebook page :) Check out mine if you'd like..by the way, gorgeous red coat!!


Leila said...

Love it, what a cute coat! I recently made a Facebook page for my blog but have no idea what to do with it, haha. :P